Friday, November 16, 2012

Announcements: Week of November 16, 2012

Dear New Amsterdam Community,

Before we break to celebrate Thanksgiving we will meet for our Lantern Walk.  The date is Tuesday November 20th.  This year we will gather at the entrance to Tompkins Square Park at Avenue B and 7th St. at 4:30 PM to begin our walk through the park.

Enjoy a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday and break. We will be closed from Wednesday, November 21st through Friday, November 23rd, 2012. We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday November 26th, 2012. 

Blessings to all!

- Lantern Walk
- Tuesday, November 20th 4:30-5:30PM

We understand some of you may be traveling to begin your Thanksgiving break but hope you will be able to join us before you begin your journeys. We will celebrate our first festival of the school year. In consideration of space limitations and safety, we are able to extend this invitation to only the New Amsterdam Community this year. Join us at Tompkins Square Park entrance at Avenue B and 7th St. for this year's Lantern Walk. Check out the official invitation letter.  >> more

- Lecture November 26th: Importance of Self-Initiated Play for the Young Child (Pre-Birth to 3 Years Old)
- Monday, November 26th

Please join us for an evening of discussion on the importance of self-initiated play for the young child pre-birth to three years old. How can we create an environment inviting children to move freely and out of themselves?  Why is this play so important and how is it laying a foundation for their future? These questions and more we will address.

Speakers: Lisa Bono and Anna Ruth Myers currently teach Parent and child classes at NAECC. They look forward to seeing you there.

- Parent Study Resumes
- Wednesday, November 28th

We will resume Parent Study on Wednesday November 28th.  All are welcome to attend. 9:15-10:30AM.

- Re-Enrollment Applications Due
- Friday, November 30th 

If you would like your child to continue on at New Amsterdam in the 2013-14 school year please complete the first page of the preschool application and return it to the school by November 30th.  The applications are an opportunity for you to indicate the program you would like your child to enroll in next year.  They also assist us in planning for the future.  There is no application fee for returning families. Re-enrollment contracts will be sent out the second week of January and are due back with deposits by February 8th, 2013. 

Please contact if you have any questions about re-enrolling.

- Spiral of Light Festival
- Saturday, December 1st

11:30-12:30 Parents of Parent/Child
3:15 Bridge
4:00 3 Day Nursery
4:45 Ms. Elea's Class
5:30 Ms Greta's Class

- All-School Parent Evening
- Monday, December 3rd 6:30-8:00PM

Our next all-school Parent Evening will be held on December 3rd, 2012. One family member is expected to attend.  We will start at 6:30 with a short discussion with our mentor teacher Louise deForest on first grade readiness and then move into our classrooms with your teachers. >> more

- Save the Date: Holiday Auction and Cocktail Reception
- December 5th 6:00-8:00PM

In celebration of our winter season and in support of our annual school year fundraising campaign, on December 5th we will launch our Holiday Auction with a cocktail reception at Von on 3 Bleecker street, from 6:00 to 8:00PM, For more information see the post. >> more

- Holy Mama/Holy Papa Continues
- Wednesday, December 12th

For the full schedule, see the flyer >>more

- Garden News!

Read the latest update from the Garden on the Clothing Fundraiser, the effects of the Hurricane, and the success of the last garden day. >>more

Cocktail Reception and Holiday Auction Preview

Dear New Amsterdam Families and Friends,
Just a little reminder about our first ever Cocktail Reception to launch our Holiday Auction!
We are so excited about this event, and we hope you can join us!
Please come and celebrate the holiday season with complimentary wine, cheese, cocktails and an exciting preview of our Holiday Auction items!!!  Raise a glass to honor our school and all the hard work we have done together to make it blossom.
Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 at Von 3 Bleecker Street
Catering by Murray's Cheese
"The wine cup is the little silver well, where truth, if truth there be, doth dwell"
 -William Shakespeare

Re-Enrollment Applications Due November 30th

If you would like your child to continue on at New Amsterdam in the 2013-14 school year please complete the first page of the preschool application and return it to the school by November 30th.  The applications are an opportunity for you to indicate the program you would like your child to enroll in next year.  They also assist us in planning for the future.  There is no application fee for returning families.

Re-enrollment contracts will be sent out the second week of January and are due back with deposits by February 8th, 2013. 

Please contact if you have any questions about re-enrolling.

Parent StudyDec. 5th Louise DeForest

This week Parent Study on Wednesday, Dec. 5th will be held by our school mentor and long time Waldorf Kindergarden teacher - Louise Deforest!  All are welcome to attend. 9:15-10:30AM. Don't miss it:)

Lecture November 26th: Importance of Self-Initiated Play for the Young Child (Pre-Birth to 3 Years Old)

Please join us for an evening of discussion on the importance of self initiated play for the young child: pre-birth to three years old.

How can we create an environment inviting children to move freely and out of themselves?  Why is this play so important and how is it laying a foundation for their future? These questions and more will be addressed.

Speakers: Lisa Bono and Anna Ruth Myers currently teach Parent and child classes at New Amsterdam Early Childhood Center. They look forward to seeing you there.

Spiral of Light

As December nears we have planned our Spiral of Light festival for Saturday December 1, 2012. It will take place at the school. Here are the times for each of the classes:

11:30-12:30 Parents of Parent/Child
3:15 Bridge
4:00 3 Day Nursery
4:45 Ms. Elea's Class
5:30 Ms Greta's Class

Garden News

Dear New Amsterdam Community,

Our Clothing Fundraiser made over $550.00!
Please forgive the belated tally. I am so proud to announce that with your generosity we were able to change outgrown children's clothing into needed garden supplies, Hyacinths, Daffodil, Tulip, Crocus bulbs and a new little Camilla tree!  From the community, the members of El Jardin Del Paraiso and the children, Thank you!

Family Garden Day
The parents of this school ROCK!! With the funds generated from the clothing resale we did massive multi-color plantings of bulbs for spring.  Three days before Sandy arrived in five different areas of the garden, the awesome parents of this school planted over 1,000 bulbs and 30 some odd plants, re-lined mulch pathways, and gave a filthy tool shed an extreme makeover turning it into a community space now usable for all.  The children were the hardest working of all, digging, planting, shoveling, while teams of two's and three's navigated the small wheelbarrows throughout the working crews of adults.  Our incredibly busy morning was followed by the stuffing and mounting of our unique scarecrow and the creation of lavender and wheat wands tied with jeweled tones ribbons of the season.  An enormous THANK YOU again to all the parents who came out and a special thank you to one of our teachers known loving by many of the children as Miss Patricia.  We would like to thank you for all your help.  You worked tirelessly, smiled endlessly and helped make the day an incredible experience for all.

El Jardin Del Paraiso Garden Update
Many of you know that the Tree house Willow lost one of its two trunks but should be fine, however the 30 year old tall Poplar that is close to the plots also lost one its three trunks.  It is leaning towards the plot area and will probably be marked to go.  The Garden is on the Forestry departments long, long list of many many places that need help.  Like many community gardens, the members of El Jardin are moving forward with the clean up the best they can in the meantime, so there are workdays open to all this weekend from 11-4pm, Adults only please.

Here is a photo of our scarecrow and the little Camilla tree who also made it through the storm!

Camilla Tree
