Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle Spring Fundraiser to Benefit our Garden!

Support the children’s experience in nature by
Transforming Your Children’s Clothes Into Gold For The Garden  
April 30th - May 7th
in the Parent lounge/Crafting room at our 1 Avenue B location. 
Clothing Donations accepted NOW!
This Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle week long event begins with parents (yes this means you!) doing your spring cleaning.  As you begin to sort through your children's seasonal, out grown clothing, please put aside several pieces of very gently used, good quality clothing items and donate them to this event for another child to enjoy!

Our fundraising pop-up shop is based on your generosity.
The shoes and clothing are not priced, you may pay as you wish, however the suggested donation is $5.00 per item, so please donate the quality of clothing that you would willingly pay $5 or more for … and that you’d personally dress your child in.

This event is held for a full week so everyone has a chance after morning drop off or right before pick up to continue to donate, browse, and shop for your family and friends.
You may always choose to generously contribute monetary funds in cash or check to the school into our "Golden Dreams for the Garden Donation Basket" located in the shop.

We hope you will join us transforming clothing into gold for the garden …

You may begin to drop off your stain & rip free clothing beginning now and continuing throughout the event  at the Front desk. 

Many Parents may not know that it is only through our involvement,
parent sponsorship, and funding that our garden committee’s work is done
and that our nursery and kindergarten children have the chance and privilege to visit
El Jardin del Paraiso with their friends on their many nature adventures
throughout the seasons in this magical garden that is a public place.

Thank You To a Special Person in Our Community

As you have learned from the news published in this newsletter, our friend and colleague Karen Talluto will be resigning from her position as Director of Admissions for New Amsterdam School. Karen has been an integral part of the success and growth of the school and we are truly thankful for her many years of hard work and dedication and for her kind and generous spirit. It is with a heavy heart that we see her go, but we are excited and encouraged by Karen's continued support of our school and by her next steps into a deeper exploration of the Waldorf pedagogy. 

Please know that for the remainder of the year, the hiring committee will work hard to find a candidate who can step into the role of Admissions Director bringing a high level of knowledge, warmth, and enthusiasm to the job. We aim to find a person committed to working out of anthroposophy and excited about working integrally with our community.
In the meantime, members of the hiring committee will fulfill all admissions-related responsibilities that require attention. Please feel free to reach out to anyone listed below for any questions or concerns you may have regarding admissions, tuition assistance, forms, medical forms, contracts, tuition and payment schedules.
  • Karen Talluto and Joe Robertson will continue to oversee Tuition Assistance.
  • Lisa Bono will for the interim preside over Parent Child Admissions.
  • Kaarin Von Herrlich will serve as interim Admissions Parent Volunteer for Bridge, Nursery, Kindergarten and 1st Grade and will host upcoming open houses with the support of the grades committee and faculty. 
  • Howard Dulaney will manage all forms, contracts and schedules and provide any necessary administration.  He will also address any questions current families may have pertaining thereto.
  • Meaghan Witri and  Samantha Barnard will provide logistical and advisory support for the above volunteers. 

We will work as a team to continue the work Karen previously spearheaded in marketing, communications, and all admissions related events.


We would like to thank you for your patience and support. We want to assure you that we will continue to grow and fortify our school with mindful, effective and intelligent next steps as a group, working with our hands and hearts and minds out of the impulses of anthroposophy and a deep reverence for our community and our school. 

Spring Fair!

Spring Fair Committee Meeting
This Friday at 10:15 am 

Please come and add your voice!

Dear Parents,

We are hoping you had a joyous spring break and have come back to school to see Spring finally, truly upon us! The flowers have blossomed, the birds are singing and the trees are in full bloom!

At our school the children are joyous, the songs are loud and clear, the boots are muddy, the sun is peeking in!

The sounds of needles felting, knitting, sewing in the parent lounge; the purr of sewing machines, the clicking of knitting needles in the homes of our school's grandmothers; the plotting, planning, ordering voices of the spring fair committee add to the song of spring and signify that our spring fair, our celebration of this this joyous season and our wonderful school, is just around the corner!

Please add your voice! Come plan with us this Friday at 10:15 am in the parent lounge. The meeting will be held during our regular Friday crafting hours. 

The spring fair requires 100% participation in order to be a successful event. Your assigned duty will be revealed to you soon by your parent rep. Come add your voice to the planning and give 101%. Help us make this year's fair the joyous celebration of the flowering growth of our school! 

If you have time and want to help but can't make the meeting, please email 


With Warmth and Gratitude,
The Spring Fair Committee